Monday, November 22, 2010

Trek MOD ified Big Drift Bigwheel

Back in September I reported the progress on the search for a new bigwheel supplier.  The Big Drifts looked awesome but I knew the rear wheels were going to be a problem and so did the manufacturer below is their response after I reported the results of my test run that melted the wheels off.

Our legal adviser advised us to tell you that our Big Drifts as is shouldn't be used in such a high speed (30 or even 40 mph) as you said.
As you already know, our structure (particularly the rear wheel) is not made for such a high speed and abuse.
Attached please find our "Assembly Instructions", which includes "Warning", which specifies that the maximum speed is 20 km (12.5 mph).
If you go over our maximum speed, please retrofit or re-enforce it enough to endure that kind of high speed and abuse at your own risk.
We're telling you this for your own saftey.
Thank you for your understanding of our concern.

What is the point of living if you can't exceed the 12.5 MPH speed limit! 
Randy had new axles made for the Big Drift that will fit the Trek MOD wheels and now (at my own risk) I am updating the maximum rated speed to brown-out minus .5 MPH.  As long as you can control your sphincter feel free to go as fast as you like, you have my permission. 

I have a limited quantity available in Red, Orange and Yellow they are $350 (Modified axle and Trek wheels included) and I will ship free to the lower 48.  If you want one for the kids to tool around in the neighborhood $250 will get you one in the stock configuration (the wheels will only melt off if they go really really fast) 
Be a Hero this Christmas
Give me a call if you want me to send one out 